
Services for depositors

Deposit guarantee is a fundamental component of the financial safety net, contributing to the stability of the banking system. It protects the social function of savings and prevents traumatic repercussions for depositors in the event of bank failures.

what can I ask to FITD?

What can I ask to FITD?

1. Can I find out who are the FITD member banks?
Yes, the list of member banks is available here.

2. Can I contact FITD to get clarification on the deposit guarantee information leaflet I received from my bank?
YES, FITD provides further information on deposit protection.
Note: if the deposit guarantee information leaflet is attached to a periodic account statement, contact not FITD but your bank for information on account movements.

3. Can I contact FITD to find out what is guaranteed?
YES, (see FAQ – “What is protected?” )

4. Can I contact FITD to find out the coverage limit provided for my deposits?
YES, (see FAQ – “Coverage Limit”)

5. Can I contact FITD if my bank is liquidated and to find out what I can I do?
YES, FITD can provide more information on the liquidation procedure managed by the bank liquidators
(see FAQ – “Reimbursement” and Clarifications)
What can I not ask to FITD?

What can I not ask to FITD?

1. Can I contact FITD to receive information about my bank account balance or transactions?
NO, FITD does not have this information. Refer directly to your bank.

2. Can I contact FITD to request the contact information of my bank?
NO, FITD does not have this information. Refer directly to your bank.

3. Can I contact FITD if I lose my credit/debit card or ATM card?
NO, FITD cannot help. Contact your bank's credit/debit card numbers.

4. Can I contact FITD if I have a dispute with my bank?
NO, FITD does not have jurisdiction over these matters.

5. Can I contact FITD for information about my CONTO POSTA/ POSTE ITALIANE account?
NO, FITD does not cover deposits in POSTE ITALIANE.

Is my bank a member of FITD?

Read the list of FITD member banks.
Member banks

What we do

Read the brochure.

What is FITD's guarantee, in short?

Read the brochure.

FAQs on Deposit Guarantee

Read FAQs on Deposit Guarantee.

Depositors questions: clarifications

Read the clarification section.
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